Adult Treatment

Straight Teeth at Any Age!

Braces aren’t just for children—they are for you, too! Today, more and more adults are seeking orthodontic care to finally have the smile they’ve always imagined. More than a quarter of our patients at our thirteen locations are adults! Well, trusted by the Birmingham and surrounding areas, PT Orthodontics offers various treatments for adults to look and feel their best. No need to be embarrassed - be excited for a new you and a new smile!

What Are the Benefits of Adult Orthodontic Care?

adult-orthodontic-treatmentCorrecting crooked teeth can have a number of positive benefits for patients of all ages. If you have lived with orthodontic issues for any length of time, fixing these problems can have an enormous impact on your quality of life. Whether you are self-conscious about your smile, or face challenges with eating or speaking, our orthodontic specialists can help you address your individual needs.

Personal Benefits

Straight teeth and the perfect smile are directly related to self-esteem, confidence and success. Socially and professionally, these characteristics are very important to have, and having straight teeth is a major factor that will benefit you. Straight teeth are also easier to maintain and clean, as there is no more abnormal wear of tooth surfaces, difficulty chewing and speaking, and stress on gum tissue. This treatment will have you radiating in confidence and living your life stress-free, as straight teeth is the answer to beautiful smile.

Unique Orthodontic Treatment Options

New technology has been developed to provide adults with more subtle options when it comes to orthodontic treatment. However, there are also the traditional options that are more affordable but are just as effective.

The newer, less noticeable options are designed to blend in with an adult’s professional lifestyle, which makes adults feel more comfortable looking great while straightening their teeth.

Some treatment options are also used in adolescent treatment including:

metal-bracesTraditional Metal Braces — This is probably what you think of when you picture someone wearing braces: small metal brackets bonded to the front of the teeth. A thin wire runs through the brackets and is attached on either end to metal bands that go around a back molar.

clear-bracesClear Braces — Instead of highly noticeable metal brackets, you can have clear ones made of ceramic, plastic or a combination of both. They are hardly visible, except for the thin wire running through, but they are more susceptible to breakage than metal braces.

clear-alignersClear Aligners — As an alternative to the fixed type of orthodontic appliances mentioned above, clear aligners are removable. They are actually a series of clear plastic “trays” that fit over your teeth exactly. Each tray is part of a series of trays that move your teeth a little bit at a time until they are in the proper position. Your trays are designed with the help of specialized computer software that generates a virtual model of your bite.

Find Out If Braces or Invisalign Are Right for You

Not happy with your smile? No need to worry, we have a solution for you. Contact us today to schedule your appointment! Our friendly team members are here to answer any questions you have and get you started on your journey to a beautiful, healthy smile.